In a place where time stands still, where people are connected to nature and live a self sustainable life far away from the hustle and bustle of urbanism. The women of Mount Lebanon are born makers, artisans, and take pride in their craft. We were blessed to be surrounded by inspiring women, who traditionally strived to learn the art of traditional crafts, passing it on from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from eldest sister to youngest, instilling further the carefully and intricately woven sense of community. 

The women used these craft to form cup holders, trays, veils, to window and closet curtains, cupboard covers, tablecloths, ornamental ruffles, new born clothes, even from funeral ornaments to wedding dresses- all to commemorate occasions and cherish eternal memories in our community that our team holds so dear. These traditions that are represented through this craft has for long been a source of power and empowerment in these communities of women who are creative, and expressive.  
Times when women were taught by their mothers and grandmothers alike, while excitingly flipping the pages of German Burda magazine, as one of the many sources of inspiration and look into the fashion world outside of the boarders of the Chouf region. From cutting clippings from its glossy pages from the 80’s, the worlds merged creating pieces with beautiful stories eager to be told.

We will always strive to create pieces that are inspired by our roots, a time where we would rummage through old yet beautifully ornamented closets with hanging hand embroidered one of a kind pieces, from birds to colorful flowers, that chirp stories and echo them through the walls and through the times. We look back fondly and look forward proudly. It is with honor that we share this artistry, stories, inspirations- with the rest of the world, one Salim Azzam piece at a time.